Ospedale Del Ponte
Ospedale Del Ponte – Services for mother and child
In order to ease the mother, child and relatives’ stay in the Hospital, we offer:
- Rooming-in - In each recovery room of the Maternity Ward, a cradle is provided.
- Wet Nurse’s House (Casa della Nutrice) - Available since June 2003, it welcomes, by request, the mothers of the babies who are hospitalised in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, even at night. It can be used paying a daily fee, which includes meals. Besides bedrooms, the house provides the mothers with a well-equipped kitchen, in case they preferred cooking their own meals.
- Leaflets, written in multiple languages - In order to facilitate the communication with foreign parents, the Nursery School gives out leaflets, written in multiple languages (English, French, Cyrillic, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic), about birth and the first days of life.
- Recreation Room in Paediatric Ward - Children are used to express themselves in those ways that are peculiar of their different ages (individual games, group games, creative activities, etc.); that’s why the hospital realised a recreation room, where a skilled staff and experienced voluntaries organise some activities.
- Hospital School - Since 1994, the Paediatric Ward allows hospitalised children to continue their studies thanks to the collaboration of the Provincial Scholastic Office and Parini Primary School: they provide the ward with teachers and organise videoconferences to make children talk to their classmates and listen to the lessons.
- Chair-beds - All the rooms in the Paediatric Ward are equipped with chair-beds for those who want to look after their children.
- Meals for parents - The baby’s relatives may consume our meals, by request, even outside the Hospital canteen. For further information, please consult our Head Nurse.